Save Time To Focus On Business
Be it the front-end design, back-end datastores or middleware; we guarantee a smooth transition and implementation.
This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website
Create or customize any header or footer as you wish. Everything is flexible to the point that possibilities are infinite.
The BizHawk Template Kit provides ease of use, access, and customization.
Don’t be fearful of losing the freedom to customize the many deeply nested sections of the website.
Take your content management to the next level through WooCommerce Shortcodes Support.
Customize freely and save these customizations as new templates for later use.
All Elementor-Pro widgets are supported out of the box, ensuring scalability.
Because you need all these templates to stay in touch with the latest design, content and web trends.
The ‘shop template’ and ‘single product template’ have also been included for effective product placement and corporate merchandising.
Uploaded that news article which turned out to be glorified gossip? Don’t worry, redirect them all to the pre-designed, themed 404 Page.
Choose from a wide array of block layouts to embed anywhere within your website.
Making this template kit even more efficient. Manage and place content freely whilst redirecting users here.
BizHawk Support 3rd party plugin “Master Elements” which gives you option to add mega menu.
Enjoy intuitive interface and flexibility of one of the most user-friendly page builders for WordPress. Enhanced with a set of additional elements, it enables you to customize layouts with ease.
Create Your Own Unique and Contemporary Website with BizHawk Template Kit Today!
121 King Street Melbourne, 3000, Australia
Tel: +11 119 159 741
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